CMC at the Coiltech 2025 Coiltech Germany - the international trade fair and conference in the field of coil winding. The focus is on materials and machines for the manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and...
ZVEI Fachtagung 2025 Batteriemodule, E-Motoren und Transformatoren Die Fachtagung 2025 informiert über Materialien und Werkstoffe für die Fertigung von Batterie-Stacks, -Module und -Speicher. Zudem beschäftigt sie sich mit Mittelfrequenz-Transformatoren sowie mit den...
CMC at the Battery Show The Battery Show Europe - leading exhibition for advanced battery and H/EV technology. Join battery manufacturers, suppliers, engineers, thought leaders and decision makers for a conference and batter... Messe
CMC at the Coiltech 2024 Coiltech Germany - the international trade fair and conference in the field of coil winding. The focus is on materials and machines for the manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers and...
New managing director for cmc Klebetechnik We are pleased to announce that Mr. Oliver Carrera Contreras has joined the management team of cmc Klebetechnik GmbH since 01.02.2023. Mr. Oliver Carrera Contreras has extensive management experience ...
ZVEI Conference on E-Motors and Transformers Increasing energy density and efficiency: the right choice of materials makes it possible! The demand for smaller, lighter and more efficient still applies to electric motors, transformers and generat... Fachtagung
DC Industry - Insulation materials in the use of DC networks The higher voltages and higher frequencies of modern applications put insulation materials under stress. This also applies to high-voltage DC applications. The ZVEI has published interesting informati...
Growth and future of the cmc Group DIE RHEINPFALZ published a report on the CMC Group in Frankenthal and its subsidiaries, which also include CMC Klebetechnik GmbH, on Tuesday 15.09.2020. The article covers the topics of growth and e-m...
Vielfalt von Klebebändern Artikel Download Wer bei Klebebändern nur an den Verschluss von Kartons oder das Abkleben bei Malerarbeiten denkt, unter-schätzt ihre Möglichkeiten. In den 113 Jahren ihrer Geschichte entwickelten sie...
ZVEI Symposium 2020 E-Motors and Transformers Der Fachverband EWIS (Electrical Winding Insulation Systems) im ZVEI läd Sie herzlich zur Fachtagung E-Motoren und Transformatoren am 29. Januar 2020 ein. Es erwarten Sie spannende Themen: Innovatione... Fachtagung
ZVEI Info Day: Power Supplies and Transformers - Networked and Safe Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, das VDE-Institut und der ZVEI Fachverband Transformatoren & Stromversorgungen laden Sie herzlich zu unserem Infotag Stromversorgungen und Transformatoren - Vernetzt und ... Fachtagung
pcim 2019 in Nuremberg Am 07. Mai 2019 öffnet die diesjährige pcim Europe ihre Tore. Die pcim ist die international führende Messe für Leistungselektronik Intelligente Antriebstechnik Erneuerbare Energie Energiemanagement I... Messe