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Adhesive tapes for electrical engineering

Electrically insulating adhesive tapes

Here you will find some products and specialist articles on the subject of adhesive tapes for electrical engineering / electrically insulating adhesive tapes. Your Personal contact person will be happy to help you select the right product for your application.

Almost all of our electrotechnical adhesive tapes are UL-listed or are manufactured with UL-listed products (E93622). Read more

Your benefit: Regular quality audits by UL (Underwriters Laboratories) at the manufacturers' premises guarantee independent production control. We offer a wide range of different insulation tapes based on high-quality insulation films from manufacturers such as DuPont, Mitsubishi, Victrex and Nowofol. You will also find adhesive tapes based on metal foils and fabrics in our range.

Klebebänder für die Elektrotechnik / elektrisch isolierende Klebebänder

Electrical insulating tapes

Foils & adhesive tapes for different thermal classes - thermal class E (120°C) to H (180°C). Standards such as IEC 60216 define a maximum permissible operating temperature for materials used for insulation in electrical engineering.


Kupfer Abschirmband

Copper shielding tape

Insulated copper tapes for shielding or as current conductors in transformers and coils, especially for solar energy and hybrid drive technology (voltage converters).


Flammhemmende Isolation - FORMEX

Flame-retardant insulation - FORMEX

CMC 278xx series - Flame-retardant polypropylene (PP) insulation film FORMEX®, up to 115°C continuous operating temperature, particularly suitable for 3D die-cut parts.


Teilentladungsfeste Klebebänder

Partial discharge resistant adhesive tapes

With the increasing demands on insulating materials, particularly in electromobility and renewable energies, partial discharge resistance (PD resistance) is becoming more and more important. But what exactly is behind partial discharge and why are materials such as Kapton® CR the solution?
