Adhesive tapes from CMC as key technology for modern battery packs

The continuous development of electric vehicles, electric bikes, battery-powered devices and stationary energy storage systems places the highest demands on the performance, safety and service life of battery packs. Adhesive tapes have established themselves as an indispensable joining technology in this context. They enable precise, efficient and safe assembly of battery modules and make a significant contribution to optimizing the overall performance and safety of the battery pack.
21 November, 2024 By
Adhesive tapes from CMC as key technology for modern battery packs
CMC Klebetechnik GmbH, Herr Gerald Friederici

Functions of adhesive tapes

Die Funktion von Klebebänder geht jedoch über die reine mechanische Befestigung hin-aus. Vielmehr bieten sie eine Reihe von Vorteilen, die für die Herstellung hochleistungs-fähiger und sicherer Batteriepacks von entscheidender Bedeutung sind:

- Electrical insulation

To ensure the electrical safety of a battery pack, insulation is used that is reliably voltage-resistant, even to the entire system voltage. Adhesive tapes made from electrical insulation films have a reliable and reproducible dielectric strength, which contributes significantly to functional and operational safety.

-corrosion protection

Non-conductive adhesive tapes prevent electrochemical corrosion between different metal components in the battery pack (different position in the electrochemical voltage series). Among other things, they also prevent crevice corrosion.

-electromagnetic shielding

Self-adhesive metal foils and EMC fabrics with an electrically conductive adhesive coating are used for Shielding of electromagnetic interference and contribute to improving the electromagnetic compatibility of the battery pack.

-thermal management

Thermally conductive adhesive tapes Wärmeleitende Klebebänder ermöglichen eine effiziente Wärmeabfuhr aus den Zellen, während thermisch isolierende Klebebänder dazu beitragen, ein thermisches Durchgehen (Thermal Runaway) zu verhindern oder einzudämmen.

-mechanical fixation

Double-sided, elastic adhesive tapes Doppelseitige, elastische Klebebänder sorgen für eine sichere und dauerhafte Fixierung der Zellen im Batteriepack. Ihre Elastizität ermöglicht eine Anpassung an die Volumenänderungen der Zellen während des Lade- und Entladevorgangs. Doppelseitige Klebebänder werden auch bei der Verbindung von Batterie-Modulen zu größeren Packs eingesetzt.


Adhesive die-cut parts are used to seal housing parts and protect the inside of the battery from moisture and dust. Many adhesive tapes are chemically resistant to liquids such as coolants, water or oils.

-precise positioning

Stamped molded parts Gestanzte Formteile aus Klebebändern ermöglichen eine hochpräzise und automatisierte Positionierung von Komponenten wie Temperatursensoren und Busbars.

Challenges in battery production and possible solutions

The increasing demand for high-performance battery packs leads to a number of challenges:

- Increasing the power density

The use of larger cell formats reduces the proportion of peripheral components that do not contribute to energy storage (power density per unit volume increases). However, the larger format makes it more difficult to dissipate the heat loss generated during charging and discharging. Powerful thermally conductive adhesive tapes and Gap filler are an efficient solution.

-high voltage technology

High-voltage batteries with 800 VDC and more require careful insulation to minimize the risk of dielectric breakdown. The large clearances required stand in the way of an increasingly compact design. Adhesive tapes made from electrical insulation films can help to resolve this conflict of objectives. High-temperature-resistant adhesive tapes ensure reliable insulation even under extreme conditions and contribute to the safety of the battery pack.

-environmental influences

Temperature changes, moisture and dust can affect the service life of batteries and lead to electrochemical damage. Seals made from double-sided adhesive die-cut parts are effective, quick to fit and can be opened again for servicing.


A thermal runaway (the spontaneous combustion of a single battery cell) can lead to serious damage. Heat-insulating insulations with adhesive coating for easy installation prevent and limit the spread of a thermal runaway of a single cell.

-optimized processing

Adhesive punched parts Klebende Stanzteile sind präzise hergestellte Produkte, die eine automatisierte und reproduzierbare Fertigung von Batteriepacks erleichtern.

Adhesive tapes: key technology for battery packs

Adhesive tapes are a key technology for the production of modern battery packs. They offer a variety of functions that help to optimize the performance, safety and service life of battery packs. Thanks to their precise and reproducible processing, they are an important way of optimizing production processes.

Further links:

Technical adhesive tapes for e-mobility 

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact: 

Application technology

Application technology

Gerald Friederici

Phone: +49 6233 872 356
