DC voltage and insulation failure in high-voltage powertrains Modern wide-bandgap (WBG) power semiconductors generate significantly more electrical stress for insulation materials than classic silicon power transistors. The advantages of reduced power loss in th... Automobilindustrie Elektrische Isolation E-Mobilität
New managing director for cmc Klebetechnik We are pleased to announce that Mr. Oliver Carrera Contreras has joined the management team of cmc Klebetechnik GmbH since 01.02.2023. Mr. Oliver Carrera Contreras has extensive management experience ...
Basics of bonding and adhesive properties Generally known conditions for good bonding are: the surface of the substrate to be pasted must be free of grease and dust and dry. strong pressing during bonding increases the adhesive force. But thi... Belastungsarten Verklebung Kleber Klebertypen
Electrochemical migration From gluing Gluing is a very old joining technique. For a long time, nobody really knew why adhesives stick at all. It wasn't until around 130 years ago that chemists and physicists set out to track d... Elektrische Isolation Kapton Nomex
ZVEI Conference on E-Motors and Transformers Increasing energy density and efficiency: the right choice of materials makes it possible! The demand for smaller, lighter and more efficient still applies to electric motors, transformers and generat... Fachtagung
Isolation failure reasons Download Introduction Temperature Voltage (stress, partial discharge) Frequency Behavior in the event of pollution (environment) Constructive measures Other possible causes Influence maximum stake hei... Elektrische Isolation Versagensgründe für Isolation
DC Industry - Insulation materials in the use of DC networks The higher voltages and higher frequencies of modern applications put insulation materials under stress. This also applies to high-voltage DC applications. The ZVEI has published interesting informati...
Protect electronics - maintain safety - increase service life Electrification in industry and private life will increase massively in the coming years. Wind and solar power will replace many other energy sources. In addition, electrical devices and equipment wil... Elektrische Isolation elektrisch isolieren Elektrotechnik Hochspannungsanwendungen
Kühlmethode für Lithium Ionen Batterien Wer denkt schon bei einer Heißklebepistole, einem Haarglätte-Stab oder einem Eierkocher an ein Keramikheizelement? Wer macht sich Gedanken darüber, weswegen an einem kühlen Herbstmorgen die beschlagen... Thermal Management Wärmemanagement
CMC 39504 - Making laminated cables EMC-resistant through shielding Seit vielen Jahren werden laminierte, sehr flache Kabel eingesetzt, wenn längere Strecken überbrückt werden müssen ( FLC, flat laminated cable ). Ihr Vorteil ist die relativ einfache Herstellung, denn... EMV-Abschirmung
Production aid for MEA designs in fuel cells english: Production aid for MEA designs in fuel cells Das wesentliche Ziel bei der Herstellung moderner Brennstoffzellen ist, eine möglichst kostensparsame und schnelle Fertigung zu erreichen. Der Rol... Brennstoffzellen Kapton Teonex Wasserstofftechnik
Extremely thin, insulated flat copper cables Die laminierten Kabel können sehr variabel in Breite und Dicke hergestellt werden. Daher kann der Kupferquerschnitt weitgehend frei zwischen 0,20 mm² (35 µm Kupferstärke) und ca. 65 mm² (500 µm Kupfer... Automobilindustrie Elektrische Isolation Elektrotechnik E-Mobilität Kupfer-Folienleiter